A few weeks ago, we held a birthday party at our house for Ellie. If she could, she’d excitedly tell you it was a “Mermaid Pirate Birthday Party.” This was the first year we invited friends from her school. I wasn’t ready for it, but she was, so we took the leap. It was a lot of fun.
We started by sending the kids outside to play on our swing set. We had bubbles and chalk set out, as well. Over the course of the day, my dad and father-in-law pulled out more chairs for the parents who came. We also had placed a few picnic tables around and spread out picnic baskets.
At the 30 minute mark, we invited everyone in for cake and ice cream. I ordered the cake from a friend, and it was adorable (and delicious). I also had chocolate chip cookies, goldfish, Swedish fish and berries as well.
While we were eating, Keegan snuck outside to hide the treasure. Once he was back in, I gave each kid a pirate hat and sent them out to hunt for treasure. We asked each child to find their chest and then, meet back at the swingset (a tip from my mom). Inside each box were a few chocolate gold coins and beaded necklaces. Then, every kid got either an eye patch or a spyglass in their box.
Once all the buried treasure was discovered, we started in on the pirate ship pinata. It took a softball star (my niece) to break it open, but the kids went crazy over the suckers and smarties.
After a little more outside time, we headed back in for presents.
I learned a couple of things from this party that I thought I’d pass on to you.
- Having a predetermined flow of activities helps keep the party moving and the little ones entertained.
- Pinatas and bubbles are perfect entertainment.
- For kids this age, it works best to have things they can do with little or no help.
- Weather permitting – it’s great to have a mix of inside and outside time.
What are your favorite tricks for children’s parties?

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