How are you holding up? Here, in our corner of the quarantine, we have a lot to be thankful for – our health, office spaces at home, a big backyard and an endless supply of art materials for Ellie. And yet, this is hard for all of us, because it is big and scary and unknown.
I am often reminding myself of how “good we have it.” And, we do. But, knowing that doesn’t make distance learning, changes in projects or the absence of family and friends any easier. Not knowing what’s around the bend or when this will end is difficult, so I’m taking it one day at time and trying not to look too far ahead. I keep telling myself this isn’t something I need to be good at. There is no prize for remaining the most positive or productive. There is only doing your best to stay healthy. That’s it.
While each day is different, there are some things I do that help. I don’t do each every day. In fact, there are days where I don’t do any, when I feel lazy and uninspired. In those times, I do what I have to – teach Ellie, cook meals and work. But, when I’m well rested, these things bring me joy. I hope they do the same for you:
- Listening to records.
- Face-timing with friends and family.
- Calls with clients.
- Going for walks.
- Wearing make-up and slippers.
- Doing a face mask.
- Painting my nails.
- Reading everything I can get my hands on.
- Drawing or painting with Ellie.
- Watching movies or catching up on T.V. shows.
- Texting with old friends.
- Working in my garden.
- Setting a fancy table.
- Dancing along to D-Nice’s virtual dance party.
- Flipping through cookbooks just for fun.
What’s bringing you lightness? I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments.

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