It’s been a minute since we reviewed an AFI top 100 film, but we have a bunch queued up and ready to go. Today, I’m sharing four new ones. You can find each of our his and hers reviews here, but for those of you who aren’t familiar with the project, Keegan and I are working our way through the American Film Institute’s 100 Greatest American Films of All Time list. Sometimes, we agree. Others, we couldn’t be further apart. We only watch the ones that we both haven’t already seen.
The Best Years of Our Lives
Lane: This chronicles the lives of several men after they return home from war. It was really good (though a bit longer than I would have liked). The performances were fantastic. In particular, I thought Myrna Loy was exceptional.
Keegan: I don’t remember this movie at all. It was that good.
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Lane: In this movie, Humphrey Bogart is a gold digger who scores big. He and his partners slowly fall apart as they sit on the fortune. Sounds exciting, right? Well, it was incredibly long. I didn’t think I was going to make it all the way through it, but I did. I don’t have many positive things to stay about this one.
Keegan: This movie went on and on and on. It was an interesting take on the dynamic of trust between gold miners. It definitely give you a moment of thinking “Yep, I bet that’s what it was like.” There was constant tension and over the top music to punctuate the drama. Did I mention it went on an on?
Dr. Strangelove
Lane: I’ve never liked this movie, which probably makes me completely unhip. Just call me uncultured. I don’t care. I’ll be watching the Real Housewives.
Keegan: I’d never seen this movie (obviously), and I was really excited to watch it. I thought it was great. The characters were quirky, and I found this movie to be really entertaining. That makes me the hip one.
The Sound of Music
Lane: We skipped this one, because we’ve both seen it before. However, I’ve loved The Sound of Music since I was a little girl. From ages 5 to 8, I felt the urge to dance around like Liesl every time I saw a gazebo.
Keegan: This show is required watching for anyone who grew up in the rural Kansas School districts (prior to being broke). It’s a happy film, so there’s that. I never cared for it much.

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