Yep, that’s steak.
It’s so good that if you make it men and women will weep at your feet.
Plus, since it’s flank steak, as opposed to a more expensive cut, it won’t break the bank and can be on your table in under 30 minutes.
So, grab a box of kleenex, and let’s get cooking.
Perfect Flank Steak
Serves 2 1/2
1/2 lb. flank steak
1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp. unsalted butter
1 garlic clove, peeled
1/2 a yellow onion, thickly sliced
Heat a cast iron skillet over high heat. Add in the evoo. Once hot, melt in the butter.
Meanwhile, salt and pepper the steak. Place it in the screaming hot pan after the butter has melted. Then, after about 2 minutes, flip it. Make sure it’s browned. Now, add the onion slices and garlic clove, placing them on top of the steak.
After two minutes flip again.
Turn down the heat to medium. Continue to baste the steak in the oil and butter. Flip it to coat, as needed. Rearranging the onions on top.
After about 10 minutes,* remove to a plate and tent with foil. Let rest for 10 minutes. The steak will be medium rare (brown on the edges and pink in the center). After it has rested, slice thinly against the grain to serve.
*My mother-in-law taught me a trick to know how cooked your steaks are. Basically, on one hand, press your middle finger to the palm of your hand. Push on the flesh below your thumb. The meat should have about that same give when it’s medium rare. I poke my steak with tongs to check it.

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