Let me start by saying I am not a doctor. Repeat: I am not a doctor. So, before trying this, go ahead and check with yours, okay. Deal?
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, I’ve been taking two of these probiotic gummies a day to fend off some super glamorous digestive issues at the suggestion of my doctor. And while they’ve been helpful with those, I’ve been most impressed with the improved condition of my skin and nails.
Specifically, I’ve noticed the coloring and tone of my skin is more even and my nails, which were shredding, are strong and growing like crazy. It’s pretty incredible.
As far as which brand to use, I don’t have a preference. I’ve been using the ones shown in the picture, because I can’t bring myself to swallow another pill in the morning and these make me feel like I’m eating candy……even though I’m not. If you decide to go this route, you can find them at drugstores or Target.
I’d love to know if you take a probiotic. If you do, have you noticed an improvement in your skin and nails too?

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