While we’re still far from swimsuit season, we are nearing the time to register kids for summer camps. As a work from home mom, I spent last year taking Ellie to a variety of programs across Kansas City. She had a blast, and after some trial and error, I think I’ve figured out what will work best for our schedule.
Now, you can reap the benefits of all that research. Here’s your official guide to kids summer camps in Kansas City:
Science City, 9 AM to 4 PM, with options for extended hours: This camp was a favorite of ours. Every day, Ellie greeted me with a laundry list of the cool things she learned. Each week they have a new theme, so even though we only went once, you could elect to attend this one all summer. FYI, their new schedule hasn’t been posted yet.
Nelson-Atkins Museum: Last year, Ellie took an Around the World class here. They visited various exhibits and created art based on the country they were studying. She still remembers different parts of the museum from this camp. That being said, their classes aren’t very long, so this year, I’m hoping to register her for one of their full day camps, which go from 9 AM to 4 PM. Registration opens first to members who are family level & above February 11-24.
Summer at Barstow: Barstow offers a wide-range of camps. There’s literally something for everyone. Find activities that range from sports to baking to American Girl dolls. While the camps are pricey, they offer a lot of flexibility in terms of length of the day. We have gone in the afternoon from 12:30 to 3:30 PM. However, they have morning sessions and all-day options as well. Registration opens for non-Barstow families February 1.
Camp WIN, 8:30 AM to 4 PM: This four-day camp is offered just three weeks of the summer. Girls can register for just one session. With high-school counselors, inspirational speakers and new sports being introduced each day, this program aims to teach qualities and skills, like attitude and preparation. Last year, Ellie learned about everything from fencing to soccer. Registration opens February 8.
Wee Create: The 2019 camps aren’t up yet on the Wee Create site. However, this remains one of my favorite places to take Ellie. The space is adorable, and they do a great job of packing a lot of crafts into a short period of time. Even if you’re not in the market for a summer session, she also offers short camps when school is out, like on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Tastebuds Kitchen – Leawood: So, we have never tried this one, but I’ve had my eye on it. These are short, three hour-long camps, and the location is pretty far from my house, so I’m not sure it will work. However, it looks darling, and I thought it might be a fit for someone else.
The Culinary Center of Kansas City: If your kiddos are in to cooking, this may be another option for you. The new schedule isn’t out yet, but if I remember correctly, the classes are short. This would work best as a supplemental activity. That being said, I’ve taken classes here both with and without Ellie. They’re great. I can’t recommend them enough.
Kansas City Art Institute: Their 2019 list isn’t up yet, but last year’s had me wishing I was a child and could take every single class. These are shorter in length, so it might make sense to choose a Nelson class for the morning, and then, do one at KCAI in the afternoon. If your company allows you to work remotely, you can always post up in the museum’s nearby coffee shop, which is even lovelier than you might expect.
Emerald City Gym, 9AM to 4 PM, shorter options available, as well early drop-off: Registration is currently open for this gymnastics camp. Although we haven’t attended this one, some of Ellie’s friends have. If your kids are curious about gymnastics, this would be an easy way to let them try for it for a week.
Johnson County Parks and Recreation Summer Camp: Registration opened this week. We’ve never signed up for this one, but I have some good friends whose kids have loved it. Lots and lots of options available. In fact, their site is a little overwhelming.
City of Leawood Camps: Though we’ve never attended, I’ve heard great reviews of Leawood’s Ballon Tree Camp. Details aren’t up on the site yet, but I imagine they’ll be coming soon.
Outdoor Education Lab: I heard about this camp how I hear about everything – from other parents. Ellie has never been, but this outdoor nature camp looks really cool with lots of hands-on activities. Enrollment opens March 1.
The Kansas City Zoo Summer Break Camp: I didn’t send Ellie to this one last year, because it was a long day outside, and I wasn’t sure how she’d do. However, the programming looks fun and very interesting. Registration opens February 12 to the General Public. Friends of the Zoo are eligible now. (Take a look at the 2018 program here.)
Because I was into drama, Ellie is of course not interested at all. But, if you have a theater lover at your house, these camps look wonderful: Theatre of the Imagination and the Coterie Theatre.
So, what did I miss? Are their any camps your kids look forward to every year? Comment below with your favorites.

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