
2020 Goals

Happy New Year! How’s your 2020 starting? Mine has been relatively slow, punctuated by visits with friends and family. It’s been wonderful.

As is typically the case, my mind has been on my resolutions for the year. Originally, I wanted to take a stab at my 2019 goal – to act with more intention. My plan had been to take those mindless pockets of time that were used to scroll through Instagram and use them to do things I actually wanted to do – like connect with friends and moisturize my face. It was a bit of a disaster.

One part of that resolution was growing my business, and I did, but to the exclusion of all other things. It was good. It was exhausting. It was too much.

Halfway through the year, it was time to reevaluate, but I didn’t have the time. Over the last few months, I’ve thought “maybe I can fit more in, if I just am more intentional with my time.” And, that would sort of be true, if I was only responsible for myself and my activities. But, as you can imagine, that is not the case. My life doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and I’m not a machine.

What I really need to focus on is something that has never been easy for me. I need to slow down.

But, I’m honestly not sure how. I’ve looked over my projected work and hours for the year and can already tell January is full. February and April also look a little hairy, but the rest seems reasonable. I’m going to try to stick with what I have, adding only new work that I’m excited about. (Just typing that is hard, because I want to do everything – all the time.)

The main thing I’d like to prioritize is my health. Moving more, managing my stress and eating well are top of mind. The other new edition is actually marketing my marketing company. I talk about this every year and never find time.

What’s on your mind for 2020? Any big goals? Do you have intentions of slowing down too?

Photos by August Light Studio



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