Work/Life Balance & Other Lies

Hello, hello. Things have been crazy around here.

As you may know, I started my own marketing consulting business in 2012. I work with small, business-to-business companies who are based in Kansas City. Since I began, my work has changed a lot – how I get new business, the types of projects I take, etc.

This year has come with a completely different set of challenges (and they’re good ones to have) – lots of new business. Over the last two months, I’ve gotten a few new clients, and my existing ones continue to expand what we do together. It’s been exciting, but it’s also meant that all those intentions I carefully set in January flew out the door mid-month. Between work and 1 million snow days:

  • I stopped working out.
  • Self care went down the drain.
  • Communication with friends rarely happened.
  • Definitely no Italian was learned.
  • The blog was left for dead.

In fact, all that extra time I thought I had went to either new projects or business development. But, I knew that was how I needed to spend my time, because I’ve been wanting to grow my business for a while.

It’s all been a great reminder that we may have a short (or long) list of things we’d like to do, but sometimes, one or two pull priority.

The idea that we can have a work/life balance is total crap most of the time. And, that’s okay.

While I was busy, I managed to keep my eating in check, but with late nights spent working and lots of time cooped up inside, I wanted to zone out. My scrolling was once again through the roof.

But, now that there are fewer snow and vacation days ahead, my perspective and schedule are changing. I can start to see some openings again – to get outside, text a friend or do a face mask.

I’m also making some much needed changes to my overall load. I’ve always picked up Ellie from school and hung out with her in the afternoon. But, for the next school year, I’m planning to get some help, because you guys, I really need it.

And although I won’t have as much free time as I expected in January, I still have some and would rather spend it doing something I enjoy – not just watching 1 million Instastories with a blank look on my face. Instead, I’m hoping to use those small pockets of time to get back to exercising (in some shape or form), create content for this blog and tackle a little Italian before our trip in May.

Baby steps, people.

How do you manage your time? Do you believe work/life balance is possible? (If yes, please expose your secrets to success immediately. We all need your help.)





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